Wide-Field view towards the North Celestial Pole with NenuFAR (February 2020)

The first phase of observation of the NenuFAR Cosmic Dawn KSP is now behind us. Between the 13th of July and 25 of December 2019, we have accumulated in total 340 hours of observation on 18 spectral windows covering 55 MHz of bandwidth between 30 MHz and 85 MHz. More than half of these datasets have now been fully processed from which we obtained a wide-field image-cube centred on the North Celestial Pole (NCP) with a spatial resolution between 1 and 0.5 degrees. In these images, the field around the NCP is confusion limited, but we also observe many bright radio sources at distances up to 70 degrees from the NCP from which I annotated some of the most famous ones in the above figure. The brightest ones, Cygnus A and Cassiopeia A have been subtracted. After completion and verification, this image cube will be released to the CD KSP team. Besides finalizing the analysis of phase 1, we are now fully focused on preparing the phase 2 observations, which will bring higher spatial (new remote mini-arrays) and frequency resolution (new correlator) and with which we will start our deep integration toward the detecting of the 21-cm signal from the Cosmic Dawn!

Credit : Florent Mertens

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