Source code for galaximview.basefuncs

import numpy as np
from numpy import linalg as la

[docs]def identity_function(x): """Returns the argument. Parameters ---------- x : any Argument. Returns ------- any Argument. """ return x
[docs]def inverse_function(function, x): """Returns the value of the inverse function of 'function' at x for a few functions. Parameters ---------- function : ufunc Function whose inverse function will be computed at x. x : float (depends on function) Argument. Returns ------- float (depends on function) Argument. """ if function == identity_function: return identity_function(x) elif function == np.log10: return 10 ** x elif function == np.log: return np.exp(x) elif function == np.sqrt: return x ** 2 else: raise ValueError("Function not inversable yet.")
[docs]def calc_com(pos, mass): """Computes centre of mass of particles. Parameters ---------- pos : ndarray (N,3) positions. mass : ndarray (N,) masses. Returns ------- ndarray (3,) Centre of mass. """ CheckArrays.check_poslike_array(pos) CheckArrays.check_masslike_array(mass) if not np.any(mass): raise ValueError("Mass array should not be zero everywhere.") if any(mass < 0): raise ValueError("Mass array should be positive everywhere.") if np.shape(pos)[0] != np.shape(mass)[0]: raise ValueError("Should be given pos array of shape (3,N) and mass array of shape (N,).") com = np.zeros((3), dtype='float64') for k in range(0, 3): com[k] = np.sum(pos[:, k] * mass, dtype="float64") / np.sum(mass, dtype="float64") return com
[docs]def get_basis_los(azim, elev): """Gets the basis on which to project to obtain 2D projection when the line-of-sight has an azimuth (angle between unit vector of x-axis and line-of-sight) azim and an elevation (angle between (xy) plane and line-of-sight) elev. When navigating "bove" or "below" z-axis in 3D plot, the elevation still increases (resp. diminishes). Parameters ---------- azim : float In [-180,180], azimuth of camera in matplotlib 3D plot. elev : float In [-180,180], elevation of camera in matplotlib 3D plot. Returns ------- ndarray (3,3) Basis on which to project. Notes ----- For example: - An x vs y projection plot (with ascending x to right and y to top), in original x and y coordinates ('face-on') corresponds to a viewing-angle with azim = -90 and elev = 90. - A z vs x plot corresonds to azim = -90 and elev = 0 """ azim_in_radians = azim * np.pi / 180. elev_in_radians = elev * np.pi / 180. if (elev_in_radians > np.pi / 2.): elev = np.pi - elev_in_radians phi = azim_in_radians + np.pi elif (elev_in_radians < -np.pi / 2.): elev = - np.pi - elev_in_radians phi = azim_in_radians + np.pi else: elev = elev_in_radians phi = azim_in_radians theta = np.pi / 2. - elev elos = np.array([np.sin(theta) * np.cos(phi), np.sin(theta) * np.sin(phi), np.cos(theta)]) elos = BaseTools.normalise_vector_to_unity(elos) ex, ey, ez = BaseTools.cart_ex_3d, BaseTools.cart_ey_3d, BaseTools.cart_ez_3d if (np.allclose(elos, ez)): elos = ez exlos = BaseTools.rotate_around_vector(ex, elos, phi + np.pi / 2.) eylos = BaseTools.rotate_around_vector(ey, elos, phi + np.pi / 2.) elif (np.allclose(elos, -ez)): elos = -ez exlos = BaseTools.rotate_around_vector(ex, elos, np.pi / 2. - phi) eylos = - BaseTools.rotate_around_vector(ey, elos, np.pi / 2. - phi) else: exlos = np.cross(ez, elos) eylos = np.cross(elos, exlos) exlos = BaseTools.normalise_vector_to_unity(exlos) eylos = BaseTools.normalise_vector_to_unity(eylos) if ((elev_in_radians > np.pi / 2.) | (elev_in_radians < -np.pi / 2.)): if (np.allclose(elos, -ez) is False): # switch view orientation exlos = -exlos eylos = -eylos basis_los = np.vstack((exlos, eylos, elos)) return basis_los
[docs]class BaseTools: """Class grouping basic array manipulation tools.""" def __init__(self): pass cart_ex_3d = np.array([1., 0, 0]) cart_ey_3d = np.array([0, 1., 0]) cart_ez_3d = np.array([0, 0, 1.]) cart_ex_2d = np.array([1., 0]) cart_ey_2d = np.array([0, 1.])
[docs] @classmethod def sph_kernel(cls, r, h): """General function for Gadget-2 type SPH kernel. Can check that quad(lambda x: BaseTools.sph_kernel(x, h)*4*pi*x**2, 0,h) = 1 for chosen h. Parameters ---------- r : float Distance. h : float Smoothing length. Returns ------- float SPH kernel. """ if ((r >= 0) & (r <= 0.5 * h)): w = 1 - 6 * (r / h) ** 2 + 6 * (r / h) ** 3 elif ((r > 0.5 * h) & (r <= h)): w = 2 * (1 - r / h) ** 3 else: w = 0 w *= 8 / (np.pi * h ** 3) return w
[docs] @classmethod def average64_1d(cls, arr, weights=None): """Computes average of a 1D array weighted by weights, in float64 precision. Parameters ---------- arr : ndarray (N,) 1D array. weights : ndarray, optional (N,) weights. Returns ------- float (Weighted) average of array. Raises ------ ValueError If Array and weights are not of same shape. """ if (weights is None): weights = np.ones_like(arr) CheckArrays.check_masslike_array(arr) CheckArrays.check_masslike_array(weights) if np.shape(arr)[0] != np.shape(weights)[0]: raise ValueError("Should be given arrays of same shape (N,).") average = np.sum(arr * weights, dtype='float64') / np.sum(weights, dtype='float64') return average
[docs] @classmethod def dispersion64_1d(cls, arr, weights=None): """Computes square root of variance of a 1D array weighted by weights, in float64 precision. Parameters ---------- arr : ndarray (N,) 1D array. weights : ndarray, optional (N,) weights. Returns ------- float64 (Weighted) dispersion of array. Raises ------ ValueError If Array and weights are not of same shape. """ CheckArrays.check_masslike_array(arr) if (weights is None): weights = np.ones_like(arr) CheckArrays.check_masslike_array(weights) if np.shape(arr)[0] != np.shape(weights)[0]: raise ValueError("Should be given arrays of same shape (N,).") disp = np.sum(arr ** 2 * weights, dtype='float64') / np.sum(weights, dtype='float64') - ( np.sum(arr * weights, dtype='float64') / np.sum(weights, dtype='float64')) ** 2 disp = np.sqrt(disp) return disp
[docs] @classmethod def subset_of_indexes(cls, indexes, fraction, seed=None): """Extracts random fraction of indexes with possibility to set the seed for identical reproduction. Parameters ---------- indexes : ndarray (N,) indexes array. fraction : float Fraction to select. seed : int, optional Seed for random numbers generator. Returns ------- ndarray (Nselected,) randomly selected indexes such that Nselected=int(frac * N) with N the number if lembers of 1D input array. """ CheckArrays.check_indslike_array(indexes) if ((fraction < 0) | (fraction > 1)): raise ValueError("Fraction should be between 0 and 1.") if (seed is not None): np.random.seed(seed) if (fraction != 1): npartnew = int(fraction * np.size(indexes)) subsetindexes = np.random.randint(0, np.size(indexes), size=npartnew) subsetindexes = indexes[subsetindexes] else: subsetindexes = indexes return subsetindexes
[docs] @classmethod def normalise_vector_to_unity(cls, vect): """Normalises array. Parameters ---------- vect : ndarray Array to normalise. Returns ------- ndarray Array normalised to unity. """ if not np.any(vect): raise ValueError("Can't normalise null array to unity.") elif np.any(np.isnan(vect)): raise ValueError("Can't normalise array containing nans to unity.") else: vect = vect.astype('float64') norm = la.norm(vect) if (norm == np.inf): raise ValueError('Norm is infinite.') elif (norm < np.finfo(float).eps): print("Norm=", norm) raise ValueError('Norm is too small.') else: vect /= la.norm(vect) return vect
[docs] @classmethod def cart_3d_basis(cls): """Returns np.vstack((BaseDefs.cart_ex_3d, BaseDefs.cart_ey_3d, BaseDefs.cart_ez_3d)) Returns ------- ndarray (3,3) cartesian 3D basis. """ return np.vstack((cls.cart_ex_3d, cls.cart_ey_3d, cls.cart_ez_3d))
[docs] @classmethod def cart_2d_basis(cls): """Returns np.vstack((BaseDefs.cart_ex_2d, BaseDefs.cart_ey_2d)) Returns ------- ndarray (2,2) cartesian 2D basis. """ return np.vstack((cls.cart_ex_2d, cls.cart_ey_2d))
[docs] @classmethod def invert_basis(cls, basis): """Returns the inverses basis (or any inverse of a (N,N) array). Parameters ---------- basis : ndarray (N,N) basis to invert. Returns ------- ndarray (N,N) inverse basis. """ return la.inv(basis)
[docs] @classmethod def check_ortho_normed_direct_basis(cls, vects_base): """Checks that (N,N) array with N = 2 or 3 (exclusively) contains N vstacked vectors each normed to unity, orthonormal to one another and directly ordered. Parameters ---------- vects_base : ndarray (N_dims, N_dims) vertically stacked basis arrays. N_dims must be 2 or 3. Returns ------- bool Returns True if basis passed the check. Raises ------ ValueError If requirements for shapes or values are not satisfied. """ if ((len(np.shape(vects_base)) != 2) | (np.shape(vects_base)[0] != np.shape(vects_base)[1])): raise ValueError("Must be given vstacked basis vectors, vects_basis must be of shape (N_dim, N_dim).") for k in range(0, np.shape(vects_base)[0]): normedvect = cls.normalise_vector_to_unity(vects_base[k]) diff = abs(normedvect - vects_base[k, :]) if np.any(np.round(diff, 7) != 0): raise ValueError("The basis vectors are not normed to unity.") if np.shape(vects_base)[0] == 2: dotprod =[0], vects_base[1]) diff = abs(dotprod) if np.any(np.round(diff, 7) != 0): raise ValueError("The 2D basis vectors are not orthogonal.") crossprod = np.cross(vects_base[0, :], vects_base[1, :]) if crossprod <= 0: raise ValueError("The 2D basis vectors are not directly orthogonal.") elif np.shape(vects_base)[0] == 3: eztheor = np.cross(vects_base[0, :], vects_base[1, :]) diff = abs(vects_base[2, :] - eztheor) if np.any(np.round(diff, 7) != 0): raise ValueError("The basis is not orthogonal.") else: raise ValueError("Must be given vstacked basis vectors, vects_base must be of shape (N_dim, N_dim), " "with N_dim=2 or N_dim=3.") return True
[docs] @classmethod def project_on_orthonormed_direct_basis(cls, vect_to_project, vects_base): """Projects pos array of shape (N_elements, N_dims) on vstacked base of shape (N_dim, N_dim). Parameters ---------- vect_to_project : ndarray (N_elements,N_dims) vertically stacked (N_dims,) arrays to be projecteded. vects_base : ndarray (N_dims, N_dims) vertically stacked basis arrays. Returns ------- ndarray (N_elements, N_dims) projected array. """ cls.check_ortho_normed_direct_basis(vects_base) vects_base = vects_base.astype('float64') vect_to_project = vect_to_project.astype('float64') if (np.shape(vect_to_project)[-1] != np.shape(vects_base)[0]): raise ValueError("Must be given (N_elements,N_dim) array to be projected and a N_dim dimensions base.") ndim = np.shape(vects_base)[0] posproj = np.zeros_like(vect_to_project) for k in range(0, ndim): if (len(np.shape(posproj)) == 1): posproj[k] =, vects_base[k, :]) else: posproj[:, k] =, vects_base[k, :]) return posproj
[docs] @classmethod def rotate_around_vector(cls, pos, elos, alpharot): """Performs rotation of every vector of shape (3,) of the pos array of shape(N,3) of angle alpharot around vector elos of shape (3,). Parameters ---------- pos : ndarray (N,3) vertically stacked (3,) arrays to be rotated. elos : ndarray (3,) vector around whichrotation is performed. alpharot : float Angle of rotation. Returns ------- ndarray (N,3) rotated array. """ if ((np.shape(elos) != (3,))): raise ValueError("only works in 3D") if (np.shape(pos)[-1] != 3): raise ValueError("must be given positions of shape (N,3) and a 3D vector to rotate around") elos = cls.normalise_vector_to_unity(elos) idmatrix = np.identity(3) qmatrix = np.array([[0, -elos[2], elos[1]], [elos[2], 0, -elos[0]], [-elos[1], elos[0], 0]]) rotmat = idmatrix + np.sin(alpharot) * qmatrix + (1 - np.cos(alpharot)) *, qmatrix) return np.transpose(, np.transpose(pos)))
[docs]class CheckArrays: """Class grouping methods that check that arrays given to some methods have the right shapes, signs.""" def __init__(self): pass
[docs] @classmethod def check_poslike_array(cls, arr, allow_nan=False, allow_inf=False): """Checks that array is of shape (N,3), with no inf nor nan values except if allow_inf or allow_nan are set to True. Parameters ---------- arr : ndarray (N,3) input array. allow_nan : bool, default = `False` `True` to allow nan values. allow_inf : bool, default = `False` `True` to allow inf values. Returns ------- bool Returns True if input array passed the check. Raises ------ TypeError If requirements of type and shape are not satisfied. ValueError If requirements for values (limits, nan, inf) are not satisfied. """ if type(arr) != np.ndarray: raise TypeError("Should be given a numpy array.") else: if (allow_nan is False): if np.any(np.isnan(arr)): raise ValueError("Array contains nan values.") if (allow_inf is False): if np.any(np.isinf(arr)): raise ValueError("Array contains inf values.") if ((len(np.shape(arr)) != 2) | (np.shape(arr)[1] != 3)): raise TypeError("Should be given positions type array of shape (N,3).") return True
[docs] @classmethod def check_cylposlike_array(cls, arr, allow_nan=False, allow_inf=False): """Checks that array is of shape (N,3), that the first column is positive (cylindrical radii) and the second between -pi and pi (phi angle). (Last column is z.) With no inf nor nan values except if allow_inf or allow_nan are set to True. Parameters ---------- arr : ndarray (N,3) input array. allow_nan : bool, default = `False` `True` to allow nan values. allow_inf : bool, default = `False` `True` to allow inf values. Returns ------- bool Returns True if input array passed the check. Raises ------ TypeError If requirements of type and shape are not satisfied. ValueError If requirements for values (limits, nan, inf) are not satisfied. """ cls.check_poslike_array(arr, allow_nan=allow_nan, allow_inf=allow_inf) if np.any(arr[:, 0] < 0): raise ValueError("Radii contain negative values.") if (np.any(arr[:, 1] < -np.pi)) | (np.any(arr[:, 1] > np.pi)): raise ValueError("Phi angles contain value < -pi or > +pi.") return True
[docs] @classmethod def check_spherposlike_array(cls, arr, allow_nan=False, allow_inf=False): """Checks that array is of shape (N,3), that the first column is positive (spherical radii), the second between 0 and pi (theta angle) and the third betwwen -pi and pi (phi angle). With no inf nor nan values except if allow_inf or allow_nan are set to True. Parameters ---------- arr : ndarray (N,3) input array. allow_nan : bool, default = `False` `True` to allow nan values. allow_inf : bool, default = `False` `True` to allow inf values. Returns ------- bool Returns True if input array passed the check. Raises ------ TypeError If requirements of type and shape are not satisfied. ValueError If requirements for values (limits, nan, inf) are not satisfied. """ cls.check_poslike_array(arr, allow_nan=allow_nan, allow_inf=allow_inf) if np.any(arr[:, 0] < 0): raise ValueError("Radii contain negative values.") if (np.any(arr[:, 1] < 0)) | (np.any(arr[:, 1] > np.pi)): raise ValueError("Theta angles contains value < 0 or > +pi.") if (np.any(arr[:, 2] < -np.pi)) | (np.any(arr[:, 2] > np.pi)): raise ValueError("Phi angles contains value < -pi or > +pi.") return True
[docs] @classmethod def check_masslike_array(cls, arr, allow_nan=False, allow_inf=False): """Checks that array is a 1D array with no inf or nan values except if allow_inf or allow_nan are set to True. Parameters ---------- arr : ndarray (N,) input 1D array. allow_nan : bool, default = `False` `True` to allow nan values. allow_inf : bool, default = `False` `True` to allow inf values. Returns ------- bool Returns True if input array passed the check. Raises ------ TypeError If requirements of type and shape are not satisfied. ValueError If requirements for values (nan, inf) are not satisfied. """ if (type(arr) != np.ndarray): raise TypeError("Should be given a numpy array.") if (allow_nan is False): if np.any(np.isnan(arr)): raise ValueError("Array contains nan values.") if (allow_inf is False): if np.any(np.isinf(arr)): raise ValueError("Array contains inf values.") if len(np.shape(arr)) != 1: raise TypeError("Should be given array of shape (N,).") return True
[docs] @classmethod def check_indslike_array(cls, arr, allow_nan=False, allow_inf=False, allow_neg=False): """Checks that array is an array of natural integers with no inf or nan values except if allow_neg, allow_inf or allow_nan are set to True. Parameters ---------- arr : ndarray (N,) input array. allow_nan : bool, default = `False` `True` to allow nan values. allow_inf : bool, default = `False` `True` to allow inf values. allow_neg : bool, default = `False` `True` to allow negatvie values. Returns ------- bool Returns True if input array passed the check. Raises ------ TypeError If requirements of type are not satisfied. ValueError If requirements for values (nan, inf, negative) are not satisfied. """ if type(arr) != np.ndarray: raise TypeError("Should be given a numpy array.") else: if (allow_nan is False): if np.any(np.isnan(arr)): raise ValueError("Array contains nan values.") if (allow_inf is False): if np.any(np.isinf(arr)): raise ValueError("Array contains inf values.") dtype = arr.dtype if (np.issubdtype(dtype, np.integer) is False): raise TypeError("Should be given array of integers.") if (allow_neg is False): if np.any(arr < 0): raise ValueError("Array elements should be positive.") return True