Source code for galaximview.coords

from .basefuncs import *

[docs]class Coords: """Class grouping methods to project basis vectors on other bases. """ def __init__(self): pass
[docs] @classmethod def cylindrical_basis_vects_in_cart_basis(cls, phi_angles): """Projects cylindrical basis vectors on cartesian basis. Parameters ---------- phi_angles : array_like (N,) cylindrical phi angles. Returns ------- (ndarray, ndarray, ndarray) (3,N), (3,N), (3,N) ercyl, ephi and ez in cartesian basis. """ ercyl = np.array([np.cos(phi_angles), np.sin(phi_angles), np.zeros_like(phi_angles)]) ephi = np.array([-np.sin(phi_angles), np.cos(phi_angles), np.zeros_like(phi_angles)]) ez = np.array([np.zeros_like(phi_angles), np.zeros_like(phi_angles), np.ones_like(phi_angles)]) return ercyl, ephi, ez
[docs] @classmethod def cartesian_basis_vects_in_cyl_basis(cls, phi_angles): """Projects cartesian basis vectors on cylindrical basis. Parameters ---------- phi_angles : array_like cylindrical phi angle. Returns ------- (ndarray, ndarray, ndarray) (3,N), (3,N), (3,N) ex, ey and ez in cylindrical basis. """ ex = np.array([np.cos(phi_angles), -np.sin(phi_angles), np.zeros_like(phi_angles)]) ey = np.array([np.sin(phi_angles), np.cos(phi_angles), np.zeros_like(phi_angles)]) ez = np.array([np.zeros_like(phi_angles), np.zeros_like(phi_angles), np.ones_like(phi_angles)]) return ex, ey, ez
[docs] @classmethod def spherical_basis_vects_in_cart_basis(cls, theta_angles, phi_angles): """Projects spherical basis vectors on cartesian basis. Parameters ---------- theta_angles : array_like spherical theta angle phi_angles : array_like cylindrical phi angle. Returns ------- (ndarray, ndarray, ndarray) (3,N), (3,N), (3,N) erspher, ethetaspher and ephi in cartesian basis. """ erspher = np.array([np.sin(theta_angles) * np.cos(phi_angles), np.sin(theta_angles) * np.sin(phi_angles), np.cos(theta_angles)]) ethetaspher = np.array([np.cos(theta_angles) * np.cos(phi_angles), np.cos(theta_angles) * np.sin(phi_angles), -np.sin(theta_angles)]) ephi = np.array([-np.sin(phi_angles), np.cos(phi_angles), np.zeros_like(phi_angles)]) return erspher, ethetaspher, ephi
[docs] @classmethod def cartesian_basis_vects_in_spher_basis(cls, theta_angles, phi_angles): """Projects cartesian basis vectors on spherical basis. Parameters ---------- theta_angles : array_like spherical theta angle phi_angles : array_like cylindrical phi angle. Returns ------- (ndarray, ndarray, ndarray) (3,N), (3,N), (3,N) ex, ey and ez in spherical basis. """ ex = np.array( [np.cos(phi_angles) * np.sin(theta_angles), np.cos(phi_angles) * np.cos(theta_angles), -np.sin(phi_angles)]) ey = np.array( [np.sin(phi_angles) * np.sin(theta_angles), np.sin(phi_angles) * np.cos(theta_angles), np.cos(phi_angles)]) ez = np.array([np.cos(theta_angles), - np.sin(theta_angles), np.zeros_like(theta_angles)]) return ex, ey, ez
[docs] @classmethod def spherical_basis_vects_in_cyl_basis(cls, theta_angles): """Projects spherical basis vectors on cylindrical basis. Parameters ---------- theta_angles : array_like spherical theta angle Returns ------- (ndarray, ndarray, ndarray) (3,N), (3,N), (3,N) erspher, ethetaspher and ephi in cylindrical basis. """ erspher = np.array([np.sin(theta_angles), np.zeros_like(theta_angles), np.cos(theta_angles)]) ethetaspher = np.array([np.cos(theta_angles), np.zeros_like(theta_angles), -np.sin(theta_angles)]) ephi = np.array([np.zeros_like(theta_angles), np.ones_like(theta_angles), np.zeros_like(theta_angles)]) return erspher, ethetaspher, ephi
[docs] @classmethod def cylindrical_basis_vects_in_spher_basis(cls, theta_angles): """Projects cylindrical basis vectors on spherical basis. Parameters ---------- theta_angles : array_like spherical theta angle Returns ------- (ndarray, ndarray, ndarray) (3,N), (3,N), (3,N) ercyl, ephi and ez in spherical basis. """ ercyl = np.array([np.sin(theta_angles), np.cos(theta_angles), np.zeros_like(theta_angles)]) ephi = np.array([np.zeros_like(theta_angles), np.zeros_like(theta_angles), np.ones_like(theta_angles)]) ez = np.array([np.cos(theta_angles), - np.sin(theta_angles), np.zeros_like(theta_angles)]) return ercyl, ephi, ez
[docs]class SpatialCoordsFromCart: """Performs computations of cylindrical or spherical coordinates and bases from cartesian positions. Parameters ---------- pos : ndarray (N,3) Positions x, y and z. ctre_pos: ndarray, optional (3,) central position to be removed from all the particles positions, if desired (to compute cylindrical and spherical coordinates with a different coordinates centre) """ def __init__(self, pos, ctre_pos=np.zeros((3))): CheckArrays.check_poslike_array(pos) self.pos = pos self.pos -= ctre_pos self.nb_parts = np.shape(self.pos)[0]
[docs] def average_pos_coords(self, weights): """Returns the (weighted) averaged x, y and z. Parameters ---------- weights: ndarray, optional (N,) weights (e.g. masses). Returns ------- (float, float, float) (Weighted) average x, y and z. """ av_px = BaseTools.average64_1d(self.pos[:, 0], weights=weights) av_py = BaseTools.average64_1d(self.pos[:, 1], weights=weights) av_pz = BaseTools.average64_1d(self.pos[:, 2], weights=weights) return av_px, av_py, av_pz
[docs] def disp_of_pos(self, weights): """Returns the (weighted) dispersions of x, y and z. Parameters ---------- weights: ndarray, optional (N,) weights (e.g. masses). Returns ------- (float, float, float) (Weighted) dispersions of x, y and z. """ dispx = BaseTools.dispersion64_1d(self.pos[:, 0], weights=weights) dispy = BaseTools.dispersion64_1d(self.pos[:, 1], weights=weights) dispz = BaseTools.dispersion64_1d(self.pos[:, 2], weights=weights) return dispx, dispy, dispz
[docs] def spherical_radius(self): """ Returns ------- ndarray (N,) Spherical radii. """ return np.sqrt(self.pos[:, 0] ** 2 + self.pos[:, 1] ** 2 + self.pos[:, 2] ** 2)
[docs] def spherical_theta(self): """ Returns ------- ndarray (N,) Theta angles of spherical coordinates. """ return np.arccos(self.pos[:, 2] / self.spherical_radius())
[docs] def phi(self): """ Returns ------- ndarray (N,) Phi angles of both cylindrical and spherical coordinates. """ return np.arctan2(self.pos[:, 1], self.pos[:, 0])
[docs] def cylindrical_radius(self): """ Returns ------- ndarray (N,) Cylindrical radii. """ return np.sqrt(self.pos[:, 0] ** 2 + self.pos[:, 1] ** 2)
[docs] def tocyl_pos(self): """ Returns ------- ndarray (N,3) Cylindrical coordinates array cylpos with cylpos[:,0] the cylindrical radii, cylpos[:,1] the phi cylindrical coordinates and cylpos[:,2] the z ooordinates. """ cylpos = np.zeros_like(self.pos) cylpos[:, 0] = self.cylindrical_radius() cylpos[:, 1] = self.phi() cylpos[:, 2] = self.pos[:, 2] return cylpos
[docs] def tocyl_sp_object(self): """Returns :class:`~galaximview.coords.SpatialCoordsFromCyl` object. Returns ------- :class:`~galaximview.coords.SpatialCoordsFromCyl` object. """ cylpos = self.tocyl_pos() return SpatialCoordsFromCyl(cylpos)
[docs] def tospher_pos(self): """ Returns ------- ndarray (N,3) Spherical coordinates array spherpos with spherpos[:,0] the spherical radii, spherpos[:,1] the theta spherical angles and spherpos[:,2] the phi spherical angles. """ spherpos = np.zeros_like(self.pos) spherpos[:, 0] = self.spherical_radius() spherpos[:, 1] = self.spherical_theta() spherpos[:, 2] = self.phi() return spherpos
[docs] def tospher_sp_object(self): """Returns :class:`~galaximview.coords.SpatialCoordsFromSpher` object. Returns ------- :class:`~galaximview.coords.SpatialCoordsFromSpher` object. """ spherpos = self.tospher_pos() return SpatialCoordsFromSpher(spherpos)
[docs] def cylindrical_base_vects_in_cart_base(self): """Returns cylindrical basis vectors projected on cartesian basis. """ return Coords.cylindrical_basis_vects_in_cart_basis(self.phi())
[docs] def cartesian_base_vects_in_cyl_base(self): """Returns cartesian basis vectors projected on cylindrical basis. """ return Coords.cartesian_basis_vects_in_cyl_basis(self.phi())
[docs] def spherical_base_vects_in_cart_base(self): """Returns spherical basis vectors projected on cartesian basis. """ return Coords.spherical_basis_vects_in_cart_basis(self.spherical_theta(), self.phi())
[docs] def cartesian_base_vects_in_spher_base(self): """Returns cartesian basis vectors projected on spherical basis.""" return Coords.cartesian_basis_vects_in_spher_basis(self.spherical_theta(), self.phi())
[docs]class SpatialCoordsFromCyl: """Performs computations of cartesian or spherical coordinates from cylindrical positions. Cylindrical positions are cylpos[:,0] = cyl radius, cylpos[:,1] = cyl phi angle and cylpos[:,2] = z position. Parameters ---------- cylpos : ndarray (N,3) cylpos[:,0] = cyl radius, cylpos[:,1] = cyl phi angle and cylpos[:,2] = z position. """ def __init__(self, cylpos): CheckArrays.check_cylposlike_array(cylpos) self.cylpos = cylpos self.nb_parts = np.shape(self.cylpos)[0]
[docs] def xcart(self): """Returns cartesian x.""" return self.cylpos[:, 0] * np.cos(self.cylpos[:, 1])
[docs] def ycart(self): """Returns cartesian y.""" return self.cylpos[:, 0] * np.sin(self.cylpos[:, 1])
[docs] def zcart(self): """Returns cartesian z.""" return self.cylpos[:, 2]
[docs] def spherical_radius(self): """Returns spherical radius.""" return np.sqrt(self.cylpos[:, 0] ** 2 + self.cylpos[:, 2] ** 2)
[docs] def spherical_theta(self): """Return spherical theta.""" rads = self.spherical_radius() return np.arccos(self.cylpos[:, 2] / rads)
[docs] def phi(self): """Returns cyindrical or spherical phi.""" return self.cylpos[:, 1]
[docs] def tocart_pos(self): """ Returns ------- ndarray (N,3) Cartesian positions. """ poscart = np.zeros_like(self.cylpos) poscart[:, 0] = self.xcart() poscart[:, 1] = self.ycart() poscart[:, 2] = self.zcart() return poscart
[docs] def tocart_sp_object(self): """Returns :class:`~galaximview.coords.SpatialCoordsFromCart` object. Returns ------- :class:`~galaximview.coords.SpatialCoordsFromCart` object. """ cartpos = self.tocart_pos() return SpatialCoordsFromCart(cartpos)
[docs] def tospher_pos(self): """ Returns ------- ndarray (N,3) Spherical positions. """ spherpos = np.zeros_like(self.cylpos) spherpos[:, 0] = self.spherical_radius() spherpos[:, 1] = self.spherical_theta() spherpos[:, 2] = self.phi() return spherpos
[docs] def tospher_sp_object(self): """Returns :class:`~galaximview.coords.SpatialCoordsFromSpher` object. Returns ------- :class:`~galaximview.coords.SpatialCoordsFromSpher` object. """ spherpos = self.tospher_pos() return SpatialCoordsFromSpher(spherpos)
[docs] def cartesian_base_vects_in_cyl_base(self): """Returns cartesian basis vectors projected on cylindrical basis. """ return Coords.cartesian_basis_vects_in_cyl_basis(self.phi())
[docs] def cylindrical_base_vects_in_cart_base(self): """Returns cylindrical basis vectors projected on cartesian basis. """ return Coords.cylindrical_basis_vects_in_cart_basis(self.phi())
[docs] def spherical_base_vects_in_cyl_base(self): """Returns spherical basis vectors projected on cylindrical basis. """ return Coords.spherical_basis_vects_in_cyl_basis(self.spherical_theta())
[docs] def cylindrical_base_vects_in_spher_base(self): """Returns cylindrical basis vectors projected on spherical basis. """ return Coords.cylindrical_basis_vects_in_spher_basis(self.spherical_theta())
[docs]class SpatialCoordsFromSpher: """Performs computations of cartesian or spherical coordinates from spherrical positions Spherical positions are spherpos[:,0] = spher radius, spherpos[:,1] = spher theta angle and spherpos[:, 2] = phi angle. Parameters ---------- spherpos : ndarray (N,3) Positions. pherpos[:,0] = spher radius, spherpos[:,1] = spher theta angle and spherpos[:, 2] = phi angle. """ def __init__(self, spherpos): CheckArrays.check_spherposlike_array(spherpos) self.spherpos = spherpos self.nb_parts = np.shape(self.spherpos)[0]
[docs] def xcart(self): """Returns cartesian x.""" return self.spherpos[:, 0] * np.sin(self.spherpos[:, 1]) * np.cos(self.spherpos[:, 2])
[docs] def ycart(self): """Returns cartesian y.""" return self.spherpos[:, 0] * np.sin(self.spherpos[:, 1]) * np.sin(self.spherpos[:, 2])
[docs] def zcart(self): """Returns cartesian z.""" return self.spherpos[:, 0] * np.cos(self.spherpos[:, 1])
[docs] def cylindrical_radius(self): """Returns cylindrical radius.""" return self.spherpos[:, 0] * np.sin(self.spherpos[:, 1])
[docs] def phi(self): """Returns cylindrical or spherical phi.""" return self.spherpos[:, 2]
[docs] def tocart_pos(self): """Returns cartesian positions. Returns ------- ndarray (3,N) Cartesian positions. """ poscart = np.zeros_like(self.spherpos) poscart[:, 0] = self.xcart() poscart[:, 1] = self.ycart() poscart[:, 2] = self.zcart() return poscart
[docs] def tocart_sp_object(self): """Returns :class:`~galaximview.coords.SpatialCoordsFromartl` object. Returns ------- :class:`~galaximview.coords.SpatialCoordsFromCart` object. """ cartpos = self.tocart_pos() return SpatialCoordsFromCart(cartpos)
[docs] def tocyl_pos(self): """Returns cylindrical positions. Returns ------- ndarray (N,3) Cylindrical positions. """ cylpos = np.zeros_like(self.spherpos) cylpos[:, 0] = self.cylindrical_radius() cylpos[:, 1] = self.phi() cylpos[:, 2] = self.zcart() return cylpos
[docs] def tocyl_sp_object(self): """Returns :class:`~galaximview.coords.SpatialCoordsFromCyl` object. Returns ------- :class:`~galaximview.coords.SpatialCoordsFromCyl` object. """ cylpos = self.tocyl_pos() return SpatialCoordsFromCyl(cylpos)
[docs] def cartesian_base_vects_in_spher_base(self): """Returns cartesian basis vectors projected on spherical basis. """ return Coords.cartesian_basis_vects_in_spher_basis(self.spherpos[:, 1], self.phi())
[docs] def spherical_base_vects_in_cart_base(self): """Returns spherical basis vectors projected on cartesian basis. """ return Coords.spherical_basis_vects_in_cart_basis(self.spherpos[:, 1], self.phi())
[docs] def cylindrical_base_vects_in_spher_base(self): """Returns cylindrical basis vectors projected on spherical basis. """ return Coords.cylindrical_basis_vects_in_spher_basis(self.spherpos[:, 1])
[docs] def spherical_base_vects_in_cyl_base(self): """Returns spherical basis vectors projected on cylindrical basis. """ return Coords.spherical_basis_vects_in_cyl_basis(self.spherpos[:, 1])
[docs]class VelCoordsFromCart(SpatialCoordsFromCart): """Performs computations of cylindrical or spherical velocity coordinates. Parameters ---------- pos : ndarray (N,3) Positions. vel : ndarray (N,3) Velocities. ctre_pos: ndarray, optional (3,) 3D position to be removed from all the particles positions, if desired (to compute cylindrical and spherical positions with a different coordinates centre) ctre_vel: ndarray, optional (3,) 3D velocity to be removed from all the particles velocitiess, if desired (to compute cylindrical and spherical coordinates with a different coordinates centre) """ def __init__(self, pos, vel, ctre_pos=np.zeros((3)), ctre_vel=np.zeros((3))): SpatialCoordsFromCart.__init__(self, pos, ctre_pos=ctre_pos) CheckArrays.check_poslike_array(vel) self.vel = vel self.vel -= ctre_vel
[docs] def norm_of_vel(self): """Returns norm of velocity.""" return np.sqrt(self.vel[:, 0] ** 2 + self.vel[:, 1] ** 2 + self.vel[:, 2] ** 2)
[docs] def average_vel_coords(self, weights): """Returns (weighted) average velocity componants. Parameters ---------- weights: ndarray, optional (N,) weights (e.g. masses). Returns ------- (float, float, float) Average velocity componants. """ av_vx = BaseTools.average64_1d(self.vel[:, 0], weights=weights) av_vy = BaseTools.average64_1d(self.vel[:, 1], weights=weights) av_vz = BaseTools.average64_1d(self.vel[:, 2], weights=weights) return av_vx, av_vy, av_vz
[docs] def disp_of_vel(self, weights): """Returns (weighted) dispersions of velocity componants. Parameters ---------- weights: ndarray, optional (N,) weights (e.g. masses). Returns ------- (float, float, float) Average velocity componants. """ dispx = BaseTools.dispersion64_1d(self.vel[:, 0], weights=weights) dispy = BaseTools.dispersion64_1d(self.vel[:, 1], weights=weights) dispz = BaseTools.dispersion64_1d(self.vel[:, 2], weights=weights) return dispx, dispy, dispz
[docs] def spherical_radial_vel(self): """Returns spherical radial velocity. Returns ------- ndarray (N,) Radial spherical velocity. """ erspher, ethetaspher, ephi = self.spherical_base_vects_in_cart_base() velr = np.zeros((self.nb_parts)) for k in range(0, 3): velr[:] += self.vel[:, k] * erspher[k, :] return velr
[docs] def spherical_theta_vel(self): """Returns spherical velocity along etheta vector. Returns ------- ndarray (N,) Theta spherical velocity. """ erspher, ethetaspher, ephi = self.spherical_base_vects_in_cart_base() veltheta = np.zeros((self.nb_parts)) for k in range(0, 3): veltheta[:] += self.vel[:, k] * ethetaspher[k, :] return veltheta
[docs] def phi_vel(self): """Returns velocity projected on phi unit vector of both cylindrical and spherical bases. Returns ------- ndarray (N,) Phi spherical or cylindrical velocity. """ erspher, ethetaspher, ephi = self.spherical_base_vects_in_cart_base() v_phi = np.zeros((self.nb_parts)) for k in range(0, 3): v_phi[:] += self.vel[:, k] * ephi[k, :] return v_phi
[docs] def cylindrical_radial_vel(self): """Returns cylindrical radial velocity. Returns ------- ndarray (N,) Cylindrical radial velocity. """ ercyl, ephi, ez = self.cylindrical_base_vects_in_cart_base() velr = np.zeros((self.nb_parts)) for k in range(0, 3): velr[:] += self.vel[:, k] * ercyl[k, :] return velr
[docs] def tocyl_vel(self): """Returns cylindrical velocities. Returns ------- ndarray (N,3) Cylindrical velocities. """ cylvel = np.zeros_like(self.vel) cylvel[:, 0] = self.cylindrical_radial_vel() cylvel[:, 1] = self.phi_vel() cylvel[:, 2] = self.vel[:, 2] return cylvel
[docs] def tocyl_velc_object(self): """Returns :class:`~galaximview.coords.VelCoordsFromCyl` object. Returns ------- :class:`~galaximview.coords.VelCoordsFromCyl` object. """ cylpos = self.tocyl_pos() cylvel = self.tocyl_vel() return VelCoordsFromCyl(cylpos, cylvel)
[docs] def tospher_vel(self): """Returns spherical velocities. Returns ------- ndarray (N,3) Spherical velocities. """ sphervel = np.zeros_like(self.vel) sphervel[:, 0] = self.spherical_radial_vel() sphervel[:, 1] = self.spherical_theta_vel() sphervel[:, 2] = self.phi_vel() return sphervel
[docs] def tospher_velc_object(self): """Returns :class:`~galaximview.coords.VelCoordsFromSpher` object. Returns ------- :class:`~galaximview.coords.VelCoordsFromSpher` object. """ spherpos = self.tospher_pos() sphervel = self.tospher_vel() return VelCoordsFromSpher(spherpos, sphervel)
[docs]class VelCoordsFromCyl(SpatialCoordsFromCyl): """Performs computations of cylindrical or spherical velocity coordinates. Parameters ---------- pos : ndarray (N,3) Positions. vel : ndarray (N,3) Velocities. """ def __init__(self, pos, vel): SpatialCoordsFromCyl.__init__(self, pos) CheckArrays.check_poslike_array(vel) self.vel = vel
[docs] def norm_of_vel(self): """Returns norm of velocity.""" return np.sqrt(self.vel[:, 0] ** 2 + self.vel[:, 1] ** 2 + self.vel[:, 2] ** 2)
[docs] def average_vel_coords(self, weights): """Returns (weighted) average velocity componants. Parameters ---------- weights: ndarray, optional (N,) weights (e.g. masses). Returns ------- (float, float, float) Average velocity componants. """ av_vx = BaseTools.average64_1d(self.vel[:, 0], weights=weights) av_vy = BaseTools.average64_1d(self.vel[:, 1], weights=weights) av_vz = BaseTools.average64_1d(self.vel[:, 2], weights=weights) return av_vx, av_vy, av_vz
[docs] def disp_of_vel(self, weights): """Returns (weighted) dispersions of velocity componants. Parameters ---------- weights: ndarray, optional (N,) weights (e.g. masses). Returns ------- (float, float, float) Average velocity componants. """ dispx = BaseTools.dispersion64_1d(self.vel[:, 0], weights=weights) dispy = BaseTools.dispersion64_1d(self.vel[:, 1], weights=weights) dispz = BaseTools.dispersion64_1d(self.vel[:, 2], weights=weights) return dispx, dispy, dispz
[docs] def vel_xcart(self): """Returns cartesian x velocity.""" ex, ey, ez = self.cartesian_base_vects_in_cyl_base() velx = np.zeros((self.nb_parts)) for k in range(0, 3): velx[:] += self.vel[:, k] * ex[k, :] return velx
[docs] def vel_ycart(self): """Returns cartesian y velocity.""" ex, ey, ez = self.cartesian_base_vects_in_cyl_base() vely = np.zeros((self.nb_parts)) for k in range(0, 3): vely[:] += self.vel[:, k] * ey[k, :] return vely
[docs] def spherical_radial_vel(self): """Returns spherical radial velocity.""" erspher, ethetaspher, ephi = self.spherical_base_vects_in_cyl_base() velr = np.zeros((self.nb_parts)) for k in range(0, 3): velr += self.vel[:, k] * erspher[k, :] return velr
[docs] def spherical_theta_vel(self): """Returns spherical theta velocity.""" erspher, ethetaspher, ephi = self.spherical_base_vects_in_cyl_base() veltheta = np.zeros((self.nb_parts)) for k in range(0, 3): veltheta += self.vel[:, k] * ethetaspher[k, :] return veltheta
[docs] def tocart_vel(self): """Returns cartesian velocities. Returns ------- ndarray (3,N) Cartesian velocities. """ velcart = np.zeros_like(self.vel) velcart[:, 0] = self.vel_xcart() velcart[:, 1] = self.vel_ycart() velcart[:, 2] = self.vel[:, 2] return velcart
[docs] def tocart_velc_object(self): """Returns :class:`~galaximview.coords.VelCoordsFromCart` object. Returns ------- :class:`~galaximview.coords.VelCoordsFromCart` object. """ pos = self.tocart_pos() vel = self.tocart_vel() return VelCoordsFromCart(pos, vel)
[docs] def tospher_vel(self): """Returns spherical velocities. Returns ------- ndarray (3,N) Spherical velocities. """ sphervel = np.zeros_like(self.vel) sphervel[:, 0] = self.spherical_radial_vel() sphervel[:, 1] = self.spherical_theta_vel() sphervel[:, 2] = self.vel[:, 1] return sphervel
[docs] def tospher_velc_object(self): """Returns :class:`~galaximview.coords.VelCoordsFromSpher` object. Returns ------- :class:`~galaximview.coords.VelCoordsFromSpher` object. """ spherpos = self.tospher_pos() sphervel = self.tospher_vel() return VelCoordsFromSpher(spherpos, sphervel)
[docs]class VelCoordsFromSpher(SpatialCoordsFromSpher): """Performs computations of cylindrical or spherical velocity coordinates. Parameters ---------- pos : ndarray (N,3) Positions. vel : ndarray (N,3) Velocities. Returns ------- Object VelCoordsFromSpher object. """ def __init__(self, pos, vel): SpatialCoordsFromSpher.__init__(self, pos) CheckArrays.check_poslike_array(vel) self.vel = vel
[docs] def norm_of_vel(self): """Returns norm of velocity.""" return np.sqrt(self.vel[:, 0] ** 2 + self.vel[:, 1] ** 2 + self.vel[:, 2] ** 2)
[docs] def average_vel_coords(self, weights): """Returns (weighted) average velocity componants. Parameters ---------- weights: ndarray, optional (N,) weights (e.g. masses). Returns ------- (float, float, float) Average velocity componants. """ av_vx = BaseTools.average64_1d(self.vel[:, 0], weights=weights) av_vy = BaseTools.average64_1d(self.vel[:, 1], weights=weights) av_vz = BaseTools.average64_1d(self.vel[:, 2], weights=weights) return av_vx, av_vy, av_vz
[docs] def disp_of_vel(self, weights): """Returns (weighted) dispersions of velocity componants. Parameters ---------- weights: ndarray, optional (N,) weights (e.g. masses). Returns ------- (float, float, float) Average velocity componants. """ dispx = BaseTools.dispersion64_1d(self.vel[:, 0], weights=weights) dispy = BaseTools.dispersion64_1d(self.vel[:, 1], weights=weights) dispz = BaseTools.dispersion64_1d(self.vel[:, 2], weights=weights) return dispx, dispy, dispz
[docs] def vel_xcart(self): """Returns cartesian vx. """ ex, ey, ez = self.cartesian_base_vects_in_spher_base() velx = np.zeros((self.nb_parts)) for k in range(0, 3): velx[:] += self.vel[:, k] * ex[k, :] return velx
[docs] def vel_ycart(self): """Returns cartesian vy.""" ex, ey, ez = self.cartesian_base_vects_in_spher_base() vely = np.zeros((self.nb_parts)) for k in range(0, 3): vely[:] += self.vel[:, k] * ey[k, :] return vely
[docs] def vel_zcart(self): """Returns cartesian vz.""" ex, ey, ez = self.cartesian_base_vects_in_spher_base() velz = np.zeros((self.nb_parts)) for k in range(0, 3): velz[:] += self.vel[:, k] * ez[k, :] return velz
[docs] def cylindrical_radial_vel(self): """Returns cylindrical vr.""" ercyl, ephi, ez = self.cylindrical_base_vects_in_spher_base() velr = np.zeros((self.nb_parts)) for k in range(0, 3): velr[:] += self.vel[:, k] * ercyl[k, :] return velr
[docs] def tocart_vel(self): """Returns cartesian velocities. Returns ------- ndarray (3,N) Cartesian velocities. """ velcart = np.zeros_like(self.vel) velcart[:, 0] = self.vel_xcart() velcart[:, 1] = self.vel_ycart() velcart[:, 2] = self.vel_zcart() return velcart
[docs] def tocart_velc_object(self): """Returns :class:`~galaximview.coords.VelCoordsFromCart` object. Returns ------- :class:`~galaximview.coords.VelCoordsFromCart` object. """ pos = self.tocart_pos() vel = self.tocart_vel() return VelCoordsFromCart(pos, vel)
[docs] def tocyl_vel(self): """Returns cylindrical velocities. Returns ------- ndarray (3,N) Cylindrical velocities. """ cylvel = np.zeros_like(self.vel) cylvel[:, 0] = self.cylindrical_radial_vel() cylvel[:, 1] = self.vel[:, 2] cylvel[:, 2] = self.vel_zcart() return cylvel
[docs] def tocyl_velc_object(self): """Returns :class:`~galaximview.coords.VelCoordsFromCyl` object. Returns ------- :class:`~galaximview.coords.VelCoordsFromCyl` object. """ cylpos = self.tocyl_pos() cylvel = self.tocyl_vel() return VelCoordsFromCyl(cylpos, cylvel)
[docs]class DynamicsFromCart(VelCoordsFromCart): """Performs computations of angular momentum, kinetic and gravitational potential energy of particles. Initialized with positions, velocities and masses. Parameters ---------- pos : ndarray (N,3) Positions. vel : ndarray (N,3) Velocities. mass: ndarray (N,) Masses. ctre_pos: ndarray, optional (3,) 3D position to be removed from all the particles positions, if desired (to compute cylindrical and spherical positions with a different coordinates centre) ctre_vel: ndarray, optional (3,) 3D velocity to be removed from all the particles velocitiess, if desired (to compute cylindrical and spherical coordinates with a different coordinates centre) """ def __init__(self, pos, vel, mass, ctre_pos=np.zeros((3)), ctre_vel=np.zeros((3))): VelCoordsFromCart.__init__(self, pos, vel, ctre_pos=ctre_pos, ctre_vel=ctre_vel) self.mass = mass
[docs] def angular_momentum_3d(self): """Returns individual angular momenta m r vect v. Overwritten for cylindrical or spherical coordinates. Returns ------- ndarray (N,3) angular momenta. """ return np.reshape(self.mass, (-1, 1)) * np.cross(self.pos, self.vel)
[docs] def specific_angular_momentum_3d(self): """Returns individual specific angular momenta r vect v. Overwritten for cylindrical or spherical coordinates. Returns ------- ndarray (N,3) specific angular momenta. """ return np.cross(self.pos, self.vel)
[docs] def total_angular_momentum_3d(self): """Returns total angular momentum.""" jang3d = self.angular_momentum_3d() total_jang3d = np.sum(jang3d, axis=0, dtype='float64') return total_jang3d
[docs] def total_specific_angular_momentum_3d(self): """Returns total specific angular momentum.""" jang3d = self.specific_angular_momentum_3d() total_jang3d = np.sum(jang3d, axis=0, dtype='float64') return total_jang3d
[docs] def spin(self): """Returns spin, i.e. angular momentum normalised to unity.""" total_jang3d = self.total_angular_momentum_3d() return BaseTools.normalise_vector_to_unity(total_jang3d)
[docs] def angular_momentum_norm(self): """Returns individual norms of angular momenta m * r vect v.""" jang3d = self.angular_momentum_3d() jang_norms = np.zeros((np.shape(jang3d)[0])) for k in range(0, 3): jang_norms[:] += jang3d[:, k] ** 2 jang_norms = np.sqrt(jang_norms) return jang_norms
[docs] def specific_angular_momentum_norm(self): """Returns individual norms of angular momenta m * r vect v.""" jang3d = self.specific_angular_momentum_3d() jang_norms = np.zeros((np.shape(jang3d)[0])) for k in range(0, 3): jang_norms[:] += jang3d[:, k] ** 2 jang_norms = np.sqrt(jang_norms) return jang_norms
[docs] def total_angular_momentum_norm(self): """ """ total_jang3d = self.total_angular_momentum_3d() total_jang_norm = 0 for k in range(0, 3): total_jang_norm += total_jang3d[k] ** 2 total_jang_norm = np.sqrt(total_jang_norm) return total_jang_norm
[docs] def total_specific_angular_momentum_norm(self): """ """ total_jang3d = self.total_specific_angular_momentum_3d() total_jang_norm = 0 for k in range(0, 3): total_jang_norm += total_jang3d[k] ** 2 total_jang_norm = np.sqrt(total_jang_norm) return total_jang_norm
[docs] def kinetic_energy(self): """ """ vel2 = 0 for k in range(0, 3): vel2 += self.vel[:, k] ** 2 return 0.5 * self.mass * vel2
[docs] def gravitational_potential_energy(self, pot): """Returns gravitational potential energies. Parameters ---------- pot : ndarray (N,) Gravitational potential. Returns ------- ndarray (N,) Gravitational potential energies. """ CheckArrays.check_masslike_array(pot) if np.shape(pot)[0] != np.shape(self.mass)[0]: raise ValueError("Should be given potential array of shape (N,), same as mass array shape.") return 0.5 * self.mass * pot
[docs] def inertia_tensor(self): """Returns inertia tensor. Returns ------- ndarray (3,3) inertia tensor. """ ixx = np.sum(self.mass * (self.pos[:, 1] * self.pos[:, 1] + self.pos[:, 2] * self.pos[:, 2]), dtype=np.float64) iyy = np.sum(self.mass * (self.pos[:, 0] * self.pos[:, 0] + self.pos[:, 2] * self.pos[:, 2]), dtype=np.float64) izz = np.sum(self.mass * (self.pos[:, 0] * self.pos[:, 0] + self.pos[:, 1] * self.pos[:, 1]), dtype=np.float64) ixy = -np.sum(self.mass * (self.pos[:, 0] * self.pos[:, 1]), dtype=np.float64) ixz = -np.sum(self.mass * (self.pos[:, 0] * self.pos[:, 2]), dtype=np.float64) iyz = -np.sum(self.mass * (self.pos[:, 1] * self.pos[:, 2]), dtype=np.float64) itens = np.array([[ixx, ixy, ixz], [ixy, iyy, iyz], [ixz, iyz, izz]]) return itens
[docs] def eigenvalues_of_inertia_tensor(self): """Returns eigenvalues and eigenvectors of inertia tensor. """ itens = self.inertia_tensor() w, v = la.eig(itens) inds_sorted = np.argsort(w)[::-1] # indexes for eigenvalues sorted from larger to smaller w = w[inds_sorted] v = v[inds_sorted] return w, v
[docs] def tocyl_dyn_obj(self): """Returns :class:`~galaximview.coords.DynamicsFromCyl` object. Returns ------- :class:`~galaximview.coords.DynamicsFromCyl` object. """ velc = VelCoordsFromCart(self.pos, self.vel) velc_cyl = velc.tocyl_velc_object() return DynamicsFromCyl(velc_cyl.cylpos, velc_cyl.vel, self.mass)
[docs] def tospher_dyn_obj(self): """Returns :class:`~galaximview.coords.DynamicsFromSpher` object. Returns ------- :class:`~galaximview.coords.DynamicsFromSpher` object. """ velc = VelCoordsFromCart(self.pos, self.vel) velc_spher = velc.tospher_velc_object() return DynamicsFromSpher(velc_spher.spherpos, velc_spher.vel, self.mass)
[docs]class DynamicsFromCyl(VelCoordsFromCyl): """ Parameters ---------- pos : ndarray (N,3) Positions. vel : ndarray (N,3) Velocities. mass: ndarray (N,) Masses. """ def __init__(self, pos, vel, mass): VelCoordsFromCyl.__init__(self, pos, vel) self.mass = mass self.posrz = np.zeros_like(self.cylpos) self.posrz[:, 0] = self.cylpos[:, 0] self.posrz[:, 2] = self.cylpos[:, 2]
[docs] def angular_momentum_3d(self): """Returns individual angular momenta m r vect v. Returns ------- ndarray (N,3) angular momenta.""" return np.reshape(self.mass, (-1, 1)) * np.cross(self.posrz, self.vel)
[docs] def specific_angular_momentum_3d(self): """Returns individual specific angular momenta r vect v. Returns ------- ndarray (N,3) specific angular momenta.""" return np.cross(self.posrz, self.vel)
[docs] def tocart_dyn_obj(self): """Returns :class:`~galaximview.coords.DynamicsFromCart` object. Returns ------- :class:`~galaximview.coords.DynamicsFromCart` object. """ velc = VelCoordsFromCyl(self.cylpos, self.vel) velc_cart = velc.tocart_velc_object() return DynamicsFromCart(velc_cart.pos, velc_cart.vel, self.mass)
[docs] def tospher_dyn_obj(self): """Returns :class:`~galaximview.coords.DynamicsFromSpher` object. Returns ------- :class:`~galaximview.coords.DynamicsFromSpher` object. """ velc = VelCoordsFromCyl(self.cylpos, self.vel) velc_spher = velc.tospher_velc_object() return DynamicsFromSpher(velc_spher.spherpos, velc_spher.vel, self.mass)
[docs]class DynamicsFromSpher(VelCoordsFromSpher): """ Parameters ---------- pos : ndarray (N,3) Positions. vel : ndarray (N,3) Velocities. mass: ndarray (N,) Masses. """ def __init__(self, pos, vel, mass): VelCoordsFromSpher.__init__(self, pos, vel) self.mass = mass self.posr = np.zeros_like(self.spherpos) self.posr[:, 0] = self.spherpos[:, 0]
[docs] def angular_momentum_3d(self): """Returns individual angular momenta m r vect v. Returns ------- ndarray (N,3) angular momenta.""" return np.reshape(self.mass, (-1, 1)) * np.cross(self.posr, self.vel)
[docs] def specific_angular_momentum_3d(self): """Returns individual specific angular momenta r vect v. Returns ------- ndarray (N,3) specific angular momenta.""" return np.cross(self.posr, self.vel)
[docs] def tocyl_dyn_obj(self): """Returns :class:`~galaximview.coords.DynamicsFromCyl` object. Returns ------- :class:`~galaximview.coords.DynamicsFromCyl` object. """ velc = VelCoordsFromSpher(self.spherpos, self.vel) velc_cyl = velc.tocyl_velc_object() return DynamicsFromCyl(velc_cyl.cylpos, velc_cyl.vel, self.mass)
[docs] def tocart_dyn_obj(self): """Returns :class:`~galaximview.coords.DynamicsFromCart` object. Returns ------- :class:`~galaximview.coords.DynamicsFromCart` object. """ velc = VelCoordsFromSpher(self.spherpos, self.vel) velc_cart = velc.tocart_velc_object() return DynamicsFromCart(velc_cart.pos, velc_cart.vel, self.mass)