Source code for galaximview.funcsplots

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import make_axes_locatable
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1.inset_locator import inset_axes
from .basefuncs import *

[docs]def vmin_vmax_pl(arr, funcforpl): """Computes minimum and maximum values for plt.imshow(funcforpl(arr)). Parameters ---------- arr : ndarray Array to be plotted. funcforpl : ufunc Function applied to array. Returns ------- float, float Minimum and maximum values to be used by plt.imshow(funcforpl(arr)). 7 """ if ((funcforpl == np.log10) | (funcforpl == np.log)): proper_indexes = arr > 0 elif (funcforpl == np.sqrt): proper_indexes = arr >= 0 else: proper_indexes = np.fabs(funcforpl(arr)) != np.inf vmin = np.nanmin(funcforpl(arr[proper_indexes])) vmax = np.nanmax(funcforpl(arr[proper_indexes])) return vmin, vmax
[docs]def plot_hist2d(hm2d, edy, edx, funcforpl=np.log10, vmin_plot=None, vmax_plot=None, add_eps_in_plot=False, cmap=None, show_color_bar=True, fig=None, cb_loc=None, xlab=None, ylab=None, cblab=None, interpolation='none'): """Plots 2D histogram hm2d of edges edy and ex. Can plot only images with pixels of fixed dx and dy. Parameters ---------- hm2d : ndarray (Ny, Nx) 2D histogram to plot edy : ndarray (Ny+1,) y edges edx : ndarray (Nx+1,) x edges funcforpl : ufunc, default = np.log10 Function applied to hm2d. vmin_plot : float or `None`, default = `None` Minimum value of funcforpl(hm2d) to be plotted. If `None`, set by :func:`~galaximview.funcsplots.vmin_vmax_pl`. vmax_plot : float or `None`, default = `None` Maximum value of funcforpl(hm2d) to be plotted. If `None`, set by :func:`~galaximview.funcsplots.vmin_vmax_pl`. add_eps_in_plot : bool, default = `False` Add machine precision epsilon in plots (for aesthetical purpose). cmap : matplotlib color map or `None` Matplotlib color map. Defaults to `None` and is in this case the default matplotlib color map. show_color_bar : bool, default = `True` `True` if one wants to show the color bar. Defaults to True. fig : matplotlib figure, optional Figure to plot color bar on if cb_loc is not `None`. cb_loc : matplotlib axis, optional Matplotlib axis to add color bar to. Defaults to `None` and in this case, add it to current axis. xlab, ylab : str, optional x axis label. cblab : str, optional Color bar label. Defaults to `None` (no label). interpolation: str, optional Type of matplotlib interpolation. Defaults to 'none'. Returns ------- object plt.imshow object """ extentxy = [edx[0], edx[-1], edy[0], edy[-1]] if ((vmin_plot is None) | (vmax_plot is None)): vmin_plot, vmax_plot = vmin_vmax_pl(hm2d, funcforpl) if (funcforpl != identity_function): if (add_eps_in_plot): eps = np.finfo(float).eps hm2d += eps hm2d[np.isnan(hm2d)] = eps hm2d = funcforpl(hm2d) im = plt.imshow(hm2d, origin='lower', interpolation=interpolation, extent=extentxy, vmin=vmin_plot, vmax=vmax_plot, cmap=cmap) plt.xlabel(xlab) plt.ylabel(ylab) if (show_color_bar): if cb_loc is None: cbar = plt.colorbar() else: axins = inset_axes(cb_loc, width="5%", # width = 5% of parent_bbox width height="100%", # height : 50% loc='lower left', bbox_to_anchor=(1.02, 0., 1, 1), bbox_transform=cb_loc.transAxes, borderpad=0, ) cbar = fig.colorbar(im, cax=axins) cbar.set_label(cblab) return im
[docs]def plot_hist2d_with_pdfs(hm2dxy, hmdx, hmdy, edx, edy, funcforpl=np.log10, funcforplx=np.log10, funcforply=np.log10, vmin_plot=None, vmax_plot=None, cmap=None, show_color_bar=False, fig=None, xlab=None, ylab=None, cblab=None, strtit=None, ax=None): """Plots 2D-histogram with marginal distributions. Parameters ---------- hm2dxy : ndarray (Ny, Nx) 2D histogram to plot. hmdx : ndarray (Nx,) 1D marginal histogram for x axis. hmdy : ndarray (Ny,) 1D marginal histogram for y axis. edx : ndarray (Nx+1,) x edges edy : ndarray (Ny+1,) y edges funcforpl : ufunc, default = np.log10 Function applied to hm2dxy. Defaults to np.log10. funcforplx : ufunc Function applied to hmdx. Defaults to np.log10. funcforply : ufunc Function applied to hmdy. Defaults to np.log10. vmin_plot : float or None, default = None Minimum value of funcforpl(hm2dxy) to be plotted. Defaults to None and is in this case set by the function vmin_vmax_pl. vmax_plot : float or None, default = None Maximum value of funcforpl(hm2dxy) to be plotted. Defaults to None and is in this case set by the function vmin_vmax_pl. cmap : matplotlib color map or None Matplotlib color map. Defaults to None and is in this case the default matplotlib color map. show_color_bar : bool, default = `True` `True` if one wants to show the color bar. Defaults to True. fig : matplotlib figure. Figure to plot on. Defaults to None and in this case, plots on current figure or, if none, on new figure. xlab, ylab : str, optional x axis label. cblab : str or None, optional Color bar label. Defaults to None (no label). strtit : strtit: str or None, optional Title of figure. Defaults to None. ax : matplotlib axis aobject Matplotlib axis. Defaults to None. Returns ------- 3 matplotlib axis objects 3 matplotlib axes """ extentxy = [edx[0], edx[-1], edy[0], edy[-1]] print(extentxy) if ((vmin_plot is None) | (vmax_plot is None)): vmin_plot, vmax_plot = vmin_vmax_pl(hm2dxy, funcforpl) hm2dxy = funcforpl(hm2dxy) hmdx = funcforplx(hmdx) hmdy = funcforply(hmdy) if fig is None: fig = plt.gcf() axy = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) else: if ax is None: raise ValueError('ax must be provided.') axy = ax im = axy.imshow(hm2dxy, origin='lower', interpolation='none', extent=extentxy, vmin=vmin_plot, vmax=vmax_plot, cmap=cmap) axy.set_aspect('auto') if (strtit is not None): fig.suptitle(strtit) divider = make_axes_locatable(axy) axz = divider.append_axes("top", 1, pad=0., sharex=axy) azy = divider.append_axes("right", 1, pad=0., sharey=axy) axy.set_xlabel(xlab) axy.set_ylabel(ylab) axz.set_adjustable("datalim") azy.set_adjustable("datalim") xforhmdx = 0.5 * (edx[:-1] + edx[1:]) xforhmdy = 0.5 * (edy[:-1] + edy[1:]) axz.plot(xforhmdx, hmdx) azy.plot(hmdy, xforhmdy) plt.setp(axz.get_xticklabels() + azy.get_yticklabels(), visible=False) if (show_color_bar): cax = fig.add_axes([0.85, 0.05, 0.05, 0.9]) cbar = fig.colorbar(im, cax=cax) cbar.set_label(cblab) colticks = 'k' widthticks = 1 for ax in [axy, axz, azy]: ax.tick_params(axis='both', colors=colticks, width=widthticks, direction='in', labelcolor='k', top=True, right=True) return axy, axz, azy
[docs]def plot_1d(xarr, yarr, xlimit_pl=None, ylimit_pl=None, xlab=None, ylab=None, leglab=None, funcofy=identity_function, linestyle='-', linewidth=1, color=None): """Simple 1D plot of funcofy(yarr) as a function of xarr. Parameters ---------- xarr : ndarray (N,) array such that funcofy(yarr) is plotted as a function of xarr. yarr : ndarray (N,) array such that funcofy(yarr) is plotted as a function of xarr. xlimit_pl : (float, float) or None, default = None x axis limits used for plot. Defaults to None (auto-adjusts). ylimit_pl : (float, float) or None, default = None y axis limits used for plot. Defaults to None (auto-adjusts). xlab, ylab : str, optional x axis label. leglab : str, optional Line label. funcofy : ufunc Function such that funcofy(yarr) is plotted as a function of xarr. Defaults to identity_function. linestyle : matplotlib linestyle, optional Matplotlib linestyle for plot. Defaults to '-' (solid line).matplotlib linestyle linewidth : matplotlib linewidth, optional Matplotlib linewidth for plot. Defaults to 1 (normal width). color : matplotlib color Matplotlib color of dots. Defaults to None (thus follows matplotlib colors order). """ if ((funcofy == np.log10) | (funcofy == np.log)): proper_indexes = yarr > 0 elif (funcofy == np.sqrt): proper_indexes = yarr >= 0 else: proper_indexes = np.fabs(funcofy(yarr)) != np.inf yarr[proper_indexes] = funcofy(yarr[proper_indexes]) yarr[~proper_indexes] = np.nan plt.plot(xarr, yarr, linestyle, lw=linewidth, label=leglab, color=color) plt.xlabel(xlab) plt.ylabel(ylab) plt.xlim(xlimit_pl) if (ylimit_pl is not None): plt.ylim(ylimit_pl) if leglab is not None: plt.legend()
[docs]def plot_3d(xarr, yarr, zarr, xlimit_pl, ylimit_pl, zlimit_pl, xlab=None, ylab=None, zlab=None, leglab=None, linestyle='-', ax=None, color=None): """Plots dots of coordinates xarr, yarr, zarr in a box of edge 2 * rmax. Parameters ---------- xarr, yarr, zarr : ndarray (N,) array for corresponding axis. xlimit_pl, ylimit_pl, zlimit_pl : (float, float) x axis limits used for plot. xlab, ylab, zlab : str, optional Axis label. leglab : str, optional Matplotlib legend for 3D dots. Defaults to None (no legend). linestyle : matplotlib linestyle, optional Matplotlib linestyle for plot. Defaults to '-' (solid line).matplotlib linestyle color : matplotlib color Matplotlib color of dots. Defaults to None (thus follows matplotlib colors order). ax: matplotlib axis or None, optional Specific matplotlib axis to plot on. Defaults to None. """ if ax is None: ax = plt.subplot(projection='3d') ax.plot(xarr, yarr, zarr, linestyle, label=leglab, color=color) ax.set_xlabel(xlab) ax.set_ylabel(ylab) ax.set_zlabel(zlab) max_range = np.amax( np.array([xlimit_pl[1] - xlimit_pl[0], ylimit_pl[1] - ylimit_pl[0], zlimit_pl[1] - zlimit_pl[0]])) xxb = 0.5 * max_range * np.mgrid[-1:2:2, -1:2:2, -1:2:2][0].flatten() + 0.5 * (np.amax(xarr) + np.amin(xarr)) yyb = 0.5 * max_range * np.mgrid[-1:2:2, -1:2:2, -1:2:2][1].flatten() + 0.5 * (np.amax(yarr) + np.amin(yarr)) zzb = 0.5 * max_range * np.mgrid[-1:2:2, -1:2:2, -1:2:2][2].flatten() + 0.5 * (np.amax(zarr) + np.amin(zarr)) for xb, yb, zb in zip(xxb, yyb, zzb): ax.plot([xb], [yb], [zb], 'w') ax.set_xlim(xlimit_pl[0], xlimit_pl[1]) ax.set_ylim(ylimit_pl[0], ylimit_pl[1]) ax.set_zlim(zlimit_pl[0], zlimit_pl[1]) if leglab is not None: plt.legend()